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About usMauntain relax
We have the desire and opportunity to provide you an irreplaceable tranquility, domestic cosines and unique strolls in unspoiled nature of the Stara Planina.

Come to smell the flowers and the green grass. Come to feel the warmness of the sun and take a breath of the fresh Balkanian air.

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LokationWhere is the hous
The village (13 houses, 5 inhabitants) is located on 504 m above the sea level , 8 km north of major town Gabrovo which is near by main road E85. Suitable outgoing point to many touristic destinations: Dryanovo Monastery and Cave "Bacho Kiro" - 9km, Architecture and Historic Reserve "Bojentsi" - 9 km, Ethnographic openair museum "Etar" - 18 km, Tryavna town - 30 km and Shipka Summit - 40 km.

River Anduka, the clear mountain air, the rich fauna of this countryside are premise for sterling relaxation.... Faraway from city pressure and stress.
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